indefinite integral calculator

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The antiderivative calculator allows to calculate an antiderivative online with detail and calculation steps.
Antidifferentiation of a trigonometric function

This example shows how to use the antiderivative calculator to integrate sin (x) + x with respect to x, you must enter:

  • antiderivative(`sin(x)+x;x`) or
  • antiderivative(`sin(x)+x`), when there is no ambiguity about the variable of integration.

Indefinite integral calculator

The antiderivative calculator allows to calculate an antiderivative online with detail and calculation steps.

Antiderivative calculator

The antiderivative calculator allows to find antiderivative function, antiderivative integral or indefinite integral of a function using integration properties and different calculation mechanisms online. The antiderivative calculator is able to do symbolic antidifferentiation.

The inverse derivative calculator allows to :

  1. Calculate one of antiderivatives of a polynomial
  2. Calculate antiderivatives of the usual functions
  3. Calculate antiderivatives of a addition
  4. Calculate antiderivatives of a subtraction
  5. Calculate antiderivatives of a rational fraction
  6. Calculate antiderivatives of composed functions
  7. Calculate a antiderivative using integration by parts
  8. Calculate a primitive using the table of usual antiderivatives

Calculate online an antiderivative of a polynomial

The antiderivative calculator allows to integrate online any polynomial.

For example, to compute an antiderivative of the polynomial following `x^3+3x+1`, you must enter antiderivative(`x^3+3x+1;x`), after calculating the result `(3*x^2)/2+(x^4)/4+x` is returned.

Calculate online usual functions antiderivatives

The antiderivative calculator is able to calculate online all antiderivatives of usual functions : sin, cos, tan, ln, exp, sh, th, sqrt (square root), and many more ...

So, to obtain an antiderivative of the cosine function with respect to the variable x, type, antiderivative(`cos(x);x`), result `sin(x)` is returned after calculation..

Calculate online a function sum

Integration is a linear function, using this property allows the function to get the required result.

For the online calculation of antiderivative of function sum, simply type the mathematical expression that contains the sum, specify the variable and apply function .

For example, to calculate an antiderivative line of the sum of the following functions `cos(x)+sin(x)`type antiderivative(`cos(x)+sin(x);x`), after calculating the result `sin(x)-cos(x)` is returned.

Online integral of a function difference

To calculate online an antiderivative of a difference of function, just input mathematical expression that contains the difference, specify variable and apply function antiderivative.

For example, to calculate online an antiderivative of the difference of the following functions `cos(x)-2x` type antiderivative(`cos(x)-2x;x`), after calculating the result `sin(x)-x^2` is displayed.

Integration of rational fractions

To find the antiderivative of a rational fraction, the calculator will use its decomposition into simple elements.

For example, to find a antiderivative of the following rational fraction `(1+x+x^2)/x` : you must enter antiderivative(`(1+x+x^2)/x;x`)

Function composition online integral

To calculate online an antiderivative of composition of functions of the form u(ax+b), where u is a usual function, simply type mathematical expression that contains the function, specify variable and apply function antiderivative.

For example, to calculate online an antiderivative of the following function `exp(2x+1)` you must enter antiderivative(`exp(2x+1);x`), after calculating the result `exp(2x+1)/2` is displayed.

For example, to calculate online an antiderivative of the following function `sin(2x+1)` you must enter antiderivative(`sin(2x+1);x`), to get the following result `-cos(2*x+1)/2`.

Integration by parts

For calculation of some functions, calculator is able to use integration by parts. The formula used is as follows : Let f and g be two continuous functions, `int(f'g)=fg-int(fg')`

For example, to calculate an antiderivative `x*sin(x)`, calculator uses the integration by parts, to get the result, you must enter antiderivative(`x*sin(x);x`), after calculation, result sin(x)-x*cos(x) is returned with steps and detailed calculations.

How to integrate a function?

To integrate a function, the following formulas can be used and the usual calculation rules applied:

Table of antiderivatives functions
antiderivative(`k;x`)`kx + c`
antiderivative(`x`)`x^2/2 + c`
antiderivative(`x^n`)`x^(n+1)/(n+1) + c`
antiderivative(`1/x^n`)`-1/((n-1)*x^(n-1)) + c`
antiderivative(`abs(x)`)`x/2 + c`
antiderivative(`"arccos"(x)`)`x*arccos(x)-sqrt(1-(x)^2) + c`
antiderivative(`"arcsin"(x)`)`x*arcsin(x)+sqrt(1-(x)^2) + c`
antiderivative(`"arctan"(x)`)`x*arctan(x)-1/2*ln(1+(x)^2) + c`
antiderivative(`"ch"(x)`)`sh(x) + c`
antiderivative(`cos(x)`)`sin(x) + c`
antiderivative(`"cotan"(x)`)`ln(sin(x)) + c`
antiderivative(`"coth"(x)`)`ln(sh(x)) + c`
antiderivative(`exp(x)`)`exp(x) + c`
antiderivative(`ln(x)`)`x*ln(x)-x + c`
antiderivative(`log(x)`)`(x*log(x)-x)/ln(10) + c`
antiderivative(`"sh"(x)`)`ch(x) + c`
antiderivative(`sin(x)`)`-cos(x) + c`
antiderivative(`sqrt(x)`)`2/3*(x)^(3/2) + c`
antiderivative(`tan(x)`)`-ln(cos(x)) + c`
antiderivative(`"th"(x)`)`ln(ch(x)) + c`
The following conventions are used in the antiderivative integral table: c represents a constant.

By applying the integration formulas and using the table of usual antiderivatives, it is possible to calculate many function antiderivatives integral. These are the calculation methods used by the calculator to find the indefinite integral.

Games and quizzes on the calculation of an antiderivative

To practice the different calculation techniques, several quizzes on the calculation of an antiderivative are proposed.

Syntax :

antiderivative(fonction;variable), function is the function to integrate.

Examples :

Antidifferentiation of a trigonometric function

This example shows how to use the antiderivative calculator to integrate sin (x) + x with respect to x, you must enter:

  • antiderivative(`sin(x)+x;x`) or
  • antiderivative(`sin(x)+x`), when there is no ambiguity about the variable of integration.

See also
List of related calculators :