This web application offers free mathematics exercises for middle and high schools to review the curriculum. The exercises proposed online are organized by grade and by theme.

The exercises are adapted to general and technological education. All the solved online maths exercises are accompanied by hints, course reminders or methodological advice. They can be used throughout the year, even during the holidays, replacing the traditional school notebook. The mathematics exercises available here cover many chapters, there are corrected algebra exercises, corrected analysis exercises and corrected geometry exercises.

This site is a real contribution to help with mathematics homework, it allows you to learn, revise online and progress at your own pace, in short, this site offers a real e-learning solution for mathematics.

The exercises are interactive, each exercise is dynamically generated from random parameters, it is therefore possible to carry out thousands of combinations, offering a very wide range of exercises online. The exercises and their corrections are based on the powerful functions of the calculator. It is an ideal tool for learning and revising mathematics online. It allows you to prepare effectively for mathematics tests, exams and competitions and improve your results.

189 exercises
Mathematics exams and competitions : A selection of corrected mathematics exercises to prepare for exams and competitions. Algebraic calculus : A selection of exercises to practice algebraic calculus: development, factoring, simplification of expressions, solving equations. Literal computation : A selection of exercises to practice literal calculus: expansion, factorization, simplification of algebraic expressions. Decimal writing and operations on relative numbers : A selection of exercises to practice operations on relative numbers and decimal writing. Square roots : A selection of exercises to practice elementary calculations on square roots (radicals). Middle School : A selection of free math exercises on the middle school curriculum. Measurement conversion : A selection of mathematical exercises on length and area conversions. Derivatives of functions : Corrected math exercises to practice calculating derivatives of functions. Expansion of algebraic expressions : A selection of exercises to practice the development of expressions using algebraic calculus. Algebraic calculation and remarkable identities : A selection of exercises to practice using remarkable identities on algebraic expressions. Equations : A selection of exercises with several levels of difficulty to practice solving equations. Equations of lines and linear systems : Corrected mathematical exercises on equations of lines and linear systems. Solving equations and inequations of the first degree : Corrected math exercises to practice solving first order equations and inequations. Factoring : A selection of exercises with several levels of difficulty to practice factoring algebraic expressions. Functions : Exercises on the usual numerical functions square root, sine, cosine, logarithm, exponential, derivatives, primitives. Exponential : Exercises to calculate with the exponential function. Linear functions and affine functions : Corrected mathematics exercises to practice solving problems on linear functions and affine functions. Neperian logarithm : Exercises to calculate with the neperian logarithm function. Sine and cosine functions : Corrected exercises to practice calculating with the sine and cosine functions. Square and inverse functions : Exercises to practice using the square and inverse functions. Polynomial functions : Exercises on polynomials: degree of a polynomial, factoring of polynomials. Fractions : A selection of exercises to practice calculating with fractions. Geometry : Corrected geometry exercises to practise calculating distances, perimeters, areas, hypotenuse, vector coordinates. Introduction to equation solving : A selection of exercises to learn how to solve simple equations. Mental math games : A selection of games to practice online mental arithmetic based on the school curriculum. High School : This selection of free math exercises helps to review the high school curriculum. Numbers : A selection of exercises to practise calculating with all types of numbers: whole numbers, decimals, relative numbers, rational numbers. Complex numbers : Exercises to calculate with complex numbers: algebraic form, arithmetic operations, modulus, conjugate, real part, imaginary part. Numbers and equations : A selection of corrected math exercises to practice calculations with numbers and equations. Integers and decimals : A selection of exercises to practice calculations on integers and decimals online. Integers and rational numbers : A selection of exercises to practice calculations on integers and rational numbers. Relative numbers and plane reference system : A selection of exercises on integers: arithmetic operations, comparisons based on the school curriculum. Operations on integers and decimals : A selection of exercises to practice basic arithmetic operations on integers and decimals. Comparisons of numbers, fractions, expressions : A selection of exercises to practice making comparisons of numbers, fractions, expressions. Order, absolute value, inequations : Exercise to practice making number comparisons, calculating absolute values, and solving inequalities. Perimeters and areas : A selection of exercises to practice perimeter and area calculations. Second degree polynomials : Exercises on polynomials of the second degree: discriminant, equation solving. Antiderivatives : Exercises on the calculation of antiderivatives of usual functions. Proportionality : A selection of exercises to practice proportionality calculations online. Power : A selection of exercises to practice the powers (exponent) of a number. Solving equations : Exercises to practice solving first degree and second degree equations. Statistics : Exercises on statistics: calculation of the arithmetic mean, calculation of the frequency. Numerical sequences : Exercises on calculation with numerical sequences: algebraic writing, sense of variation, sum. Right-angled triangles : A selection of exercises to practice calculations on right-angled triangles, including the use of the Pythagorean theorem. Vectors : Corrected exercises on vectors: calculation of vector coordinates, equation of a line, calculation of distance, calculation of the centre of a segment.

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