Here is the list of fraction maths exercises available online for free. Each corrected exercise is accompanied by indications, reminders of the course, methodological advice which allows you to practise independently.

20 exercises

Exercise example N°1129 :

Simplify the following fraction `7/14`.

fractions Numbers 6th Grade fraction

This activity on fractions allows to practice simplifying an integer fraction using the GCD.

Exercise example N°1130 :

By what value must the following expression `10/4=.../36` be completed for the equality to be verified?

fractions Numbers 6th Grade

This corrected exercise on fractions aims to complete a fractional expression so that an equality is verified.

Exercise example N°1131 :

Write in the form of a fraction or a whole number the following expression: `1/4*14`.

fractions Numbers 6th Grade fraction

The purpose of this corrected fraction exercise is to simplify a fractional expression.

Exercise example N°1132 :

Give an approximate value to one decimal place of the following expression: `10/17*19`

fractions Numbers 6th Grade

The purpose of this exercise is to give an approximate value to one decimal place of an algebraic.

Exercise example N°1219 :

Compare the following fractions `6/4`...`5/4`.

fractions Numbers 7th Grade compare_fractions

The purpose of this exercise is to compare two fractions, choosing the appropriate comparison operator from the list provided.

Exercise example N°1220 :

Perform the following calculation `3/5*4/6`.

fractions Numbers 7th Grade fraction

This corrected exercise aims to practice addition, subtraction or multiplication of 2 fractions.

Exercise example N°1312 :

Put in the form `a*1/b` the following fraction `19/6`

decimal writing and operations on relative numbers Numbers fractions 8th Grade

The objective of this exercise is to put the product of a number by the inverse of another number in fraction form.

Exercise example N°1314 :

Simplify the following fraction `(3*3)/(8*3)`.

decimal writing and operations on relative numbers Numbers fractions 8th Grade fraction

The objective of this activity is to simplify a fraction whose numerator and denominator are composed of products of whole numbers.

Exercise example N°1315 :

Put in the form of an irreducible fraction: `-5*8/(9*6)`.

decimal writing and operations on relative numbers Numbers fractions 8th Grade fraction

This exercise allows to learn how to simplify a fraction whose numerator and denominator are composed of product of relative numbers.

Exercise example N°1316 :

Put in the form of an irreducible fraction: `((2)/(-4))/((6)/(9))`.

decimal writing and operations on relative numbers Numbers fractions 8th Grade fraction

The objective of this exercise is to simplify a fraction whose numerator and denominator are fractions, in other words, a fraction of fractions.

Exercise example N°1328 :

Compare the following two expressions `90/10` ... `27/10`.

comparisons of numbers, fractions, expressions fractions Numbers algebraic calculus 8th Grade compare_fractions

The objective of this solved exercise is to compare two fractions using the correct operator.

Exercise example N°1329 :

Give a frame to the nearest `10^-1` of the following fraction `25/4`.

comparisons of numbers, fractions, expressions fractions Numbers 8th Grade

The objective of this math exercise is to frame a fraction using two decimal numbers.

Exercise example N°1429 :

Put the following fraction in its irreducible form: `144/210`.

fractions Numbers integers and rational numbers 9th Grade fraction

The purpose of this exercise is to put a fraction into its irreducible form.

Exercise example N°1434 :

Write D as an irreducible fraction: D = `((9/6+5/7)*2)/8`

fractions Numbers 9th Grade fraction

The objective of this corrected calculus exercise is to simplify an expression containing fractions.

Exercise example N°1436 :

    Let `A=3/8+10/6-8/4` , `B=-8*sqrt(24)-4*sqrt(216)-5*sqrt(54)-1*sqrt(54)` and `C=(18*10^5*3*10^6)/(6*10^11)`
  1. Compute A and give the result as an irreducible fraction.
  2. Write B in the form `a*(sqrt(6))` where a is a relative integer.
  3. Write C as an integer.

mathematics exams and competitions fractions Numbers square roots 9th Grade fraction

The objective of this exercise is to reduce a fraction, simplify a square root, and calculate a fraction that contains powers.

Exercise example N°1437 :

  1. Compute the GCD of the numbers 5104 and 968.
  2. Write the fraction `5104/968` in irreducible form.

mathematics exams and competitions fractions Numbers integers and rational numbers 9th Grade fraction

The objective of this exercise is to calculate the gcd of two numbers and simplify a fraction.

Exercise example N°1520 :

Write in the form of an irreducible fraction the following fraction `(40*28)/(35*24)` using the decomposition into prime factors.

fractions Numbers integers and rational numbers 10th Grade fraction

The purpose of this exercise is to simplify a fraction using the decomposition of a number into a product of prime factors.

Exercise example N°1539 :

Put into irreducible fraction form: `((-9)/(20))/((-36)/(-15))`.

fractions Numbers 10th Grade fraction

The purpose of this exercise is to use algebraic computation techniques to determine the irreducible form of a division of fractions.

Exercise example N°1541 :

Put into irreducible fraction form: `((-9)/(20))/((-36)/(-15))`.

fractions Numbers 10th Grade fraction

The purpose of this corrected calculus exercise is to use algebraic calculus techniques to simplify a product of fractions.

Exercise example N°14110 :

Write in the form `sqrt(a)/b`, the following expression `1/sqrt(360)`, where a and b represent two integers.

square roots fractions Numbers 9th Grade simplify_surd

The purpose of this corrected math exercise is to simplify a square root.