calculus scalar triple product

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The scalar triple product calculator allows online calculation of scalar triple product.
scalar_triple_product(`[1;1;1];[5;1;6];[4;3;2]`), returns 9

Calculus scalar triple product

The scalar triple product calculator allows online calculation of scalar triple product.

The scalar triple product calculator calculates the scalar triple product of three vectors, with the calculation steps.

The scalar triple product of three vectors `(vec(u),vec(v),vec(w))` is the number `vec(u)^^vec(v).vec(w)`. In other words, the scalar triple product is obtained by calculating the cross product of `vec(u)` and `vec(v)` noted `vec(u)^^vec(v)`, then performing the dot product dot product of the vector `vec(u)^^vec(v)` and the vector `vec(w)`.

  1. Calculation of scalar triple product of three vectors
    1. Calculation of scalar triple product from numeric coordinates.
    2. To calculate the scalar triple product following vectors `vec(u)[(1),(1),(1)]` ; `vec(v)[(5),(1),(6)]` and `vec(w)[(4),(3),(2)]`, enter scalar_triple_product(`[1;1;1];[5;1;6];[4;3;2]`).
      After calculating the result 16 is returned.

    3. Calculation of scalar triple product from literal coordinates.
    4. To calculate the scalar triple product following vectors `vec(u)[(a),(b),(c)]` ; `vec(v)[(2a),(3b),(1)]` and `vec(w)[(0),(1/2),(2a)]`, enter scalar_triple_product(`[a;b;c];[2a;3b;1];[0;1/2;2a]`).
      After calculating the result 16 is returned.

Syntax :


Examples :

scalar_triple_product(`[1;1;1];[5;1;6];[4;3;2]`), returns 9

See also
List of related calculators :