calculating the difference of two vectors

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The vector_difference function is used to calculate the difference of two vectors online.
vector_difference(`[1;1;1];[5;5;6]`) returns [-4;-4;-5]

Calculating the difference of two vectors

The vector_difference function is used to calculate the difference of two vectors online.

The vector calculator allows to determine the difference of two vectors of the plane or space.

  1. Calculate the difference of two vectors of the plan
  2. Let (O,`vec(i)`,`vec(j)`) a frame of the plan, `vec(u)` and `vec(v)` two vectors that have the respective coordinates (`x_u`,`y_(u)`) and (`x_(v)`,`y_(v)`) in the frame (O,`vec(i)`,`vec(j)`) .

    The vector `vec(u)-vec(v)` has coordinates (`x_(u)`-`x_(v)`,`y_(u)`-`y_(v)`) in the system (`vec(i)`,`vec(j)`).

    The vector calculator is able to subtract vectors that have numeric or literal coordinates.

    Let `vec(u)`(1;2) `vec(v)`(3;5) to calculate the difference `vec(u)`-`vec(v)`, enter vector_difference(`[1;2];[3;5]`) , after calculation the vector [-2;-3] is returned.

    Let `vec(u)`(a;b) `vec(v)`(2*a;`b`) to calculate the difference `vec(u)`-`vec(v)`, enter vector_difference(`[a;b];[2*a;b]`)

  3. Calculate the difference of two vectors in space
  4. Let (O,`vec(i)`,`vec(j)`,`vec(k)`) a space frame, `vec(u)` and `vec(v)` two vectors that have the respective coordinates (`x_u`,`y_(u)`,`z_(u)`) and (`x_(v)`,`y_(v)`,`z_(v)`) in the frame (O,`vec(i)`,`vec(j)`,`vec(k)`) .

    The vector `vec(u)-vec(v)` has coordinates (`x_(u)`-`x_(v)`,`y_(u)`-`y_(v)`,`z_(u)`-`z_(v)`) in the system (`vec(i)`,`vec(j)`,`vec(k)`).

    The vector calculator is able to subtract vectors that have numeric or literal coordinates.

    Let `vec(u)`(1;2;1) `vec(v)`(3;5;2) to calculate the difference `vec(u)`-`vec(v)`, enter vector_difference(`[3;5;2];[1;2;1]`) after calculation the result [2;3;1] is returned.

    Let `vec(u)`(a;b,c) `vec(v)`(2*a;2-b,c+1) to calculate the difference `vec(u)`-`vec(v)`, enter vector_difference(`[a;b;c];[3*a;2;2*c+1]`) , after calculation, the result is returned.

  5. Calculate the difference of two vectors in a space of any dimension
  6. The vector calculator is used according to the same principle for any dimension of spaces.

Syntax :


Examples :

vector_difference(`[1;1;1];[5;5;6]`) returns [-4;-4;-5]

See also
List of related calculators :