calculation with simple integers

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Math game : arithmetic calculations on integers

In mathematics, an integer is determined by its sign and by its numerical part. A positive number is preceded by a + sign or no sign, a negative number is always preceded by a - sign. 0 is the only number that is both positive and negative.

This game on integers allows to practice simple calculations with integers, the use of the calculator is not necessary to make the calculations, which favors and encourages the practice of mental calculation. In this calculation game with integers, kids must find the right answer in a list of values.

In this calculation game with integers, kids must find the right answer in a list of values.
Math game with integers

How to play this intgers game

The principle of the game on intgers is simple, you just have to choose in a list of proposition, the right answer. In case of calculation error, or difficulty, the solution is proposed. This game on integers is well adapted to kids, but can be used by other audiences.

Game on integers for juniors

The simplicity of this online integer game makes it suitable for all audiences, including schoolkids . After a few games, kids will master the arithmetic operations on integers.

Course reminder : numbers.