expand and simplify an algebraic expression online

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Online calculator that allows you to expand and reduce an algebraic expression.

Expand and simplify an algebraic expression online

Online calculator that allows you to expand and reduce an algebraic expression.

Expand expression, it is transformed into algebraic sum. Reduce expression is simplified by grouping terms. The online calculator helps to e expand and reduce all forms of algebraic algebraic expressions online, it also helps expand and simplify the special expansions online.

Expand and simplify an expression

The calculator helps expand and simplify expression online, to achieve this, the calculator combines simplify calculator and expand calculator functions. It is for example possible to expand and simplify the following expression `(3x+1)(2x+4)`, using the syntax :

  • expand_and_simplify((3x+1)(2x+4))
  • The expression in its expanded form and reduced `4+14*x+6*x^2` be returned.

Syntax :

expand_and_simplify(expression) , expression is the expression to expand.

Examples :

See also
List of related calculators :